Tuesday, January 2, 2018


I had a non-physical experience a few days ago. 

In that I felt a small white sphere made its way through my left eye and I received it in my hands. I was amazed to see it made up of small spheres all white. There was a luminous quality about it. It was also soft and slippery in my hands. 

I was wondering what it was till I came across the image of a Snölykta in my Instagram feed. I was so excited and googled it up. It was indeed a Christmas tradition in the Scandinavian countries. I dint fully get the significance of it then. So I let it pass. 

This morning as I was listening to Abraham i was in a higher plane and the idea came to me is that the vision I had was just playfulness by my non-physical buddies. They were showing me something I could learn about new. 

I did learn and the most amazing revelation for me is that I can play whenever, whatever, however and with whoever I wish. Delight is just a few thoughts away! Y

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