Monday, April 23, 2018

Prasaad’s Wisdom

Prasaad communicates telepathically in response to a question posed by his mother. 

You can go anywhere anytime. You will take your vibration with you no matter where you go when you go. A good question to ask yourself is “why?” 

When you answer that you can accomplish that wherever you are. If it is peace, you can achieve peace in every moment wherever you are. If it is a solution, shifting from the vibration of question to the vibration of answer will give you same results. You can do that with shorter meditations rather than prolonged silence and isolation. 

You can integrate into this human body and this earthly life better than me. So you can find a way to accomplish what you are seeking from wherever you are. 

Go where you wish to go. But work on shifting your perspective and vibration first. 

This is your life. This is your choice. I am teaching you to listen to your inner voice through this. I wish only joy, love and freedom for you. 

Love you Amma. 

I am deeply appreciative of the inner work you have done and I want to assure you that more and more ease will be your life. 

Love you.

Sometimes the way I bring you my perspective can be painful for you. Look at the core essence of it and you will get that I am only trying to make life easier for both of us without compromising on my integrity.

When you understand that at the Foundation of life we are all one. Make a list of things where you you and me as one. Then you will understand that all is well. You have chosen this form and I have chosen this form and we are both playing in the field of consciousness to learn about freedom because of the differences. In the same field of consciousness when we play together exploring similarities it is love and joy we meet.

We have similar human body, cells are similar, blood is same, bones are same, muscles are same, we think sumilar thoughts, feel same emotions, life force is same.

The differences are in the degreecto which we are each individually allowing our soul - inner being - Source to flow through this life experience of body, thoughts, emotions etc.

Prasaad continues:

There will always be difficulties. Those are to bring strength and clarity to your life. Gently come to accept and embrace them as stepping stones to loving blissful life. It is all good Amma. Look at the differences and difficulties that you face. Have they not been instrumental in creating a better inner life for you? The trick is to allow it to be the churning mechanism. If you resist it, it is like banging your head against the wall. 

If you see me as rigid please examine what you can do to be more easy and flexible. You don’t have to heal any other relationship Amma. Only your own relationship with your soul. Tend to it. Every other relationship will resolve in the power of your connection to your soul.

I do not want to hurt you. Because I love you. You brought me into this world to live my life of purpose. I am connected with my autistic brothers and sisters across the world and across the universe. We are all helping each other at every moment. We are never alone in the way you humans think we are. You can have this enriching nourishing relationships too. Just shift your gaze inwards to feel the love of your soul. Asking for love from others is nothing compared to the love affair you have with your soul. 

Amma let me support you. Become more free in every moment. Become stronger and loving to yourself. You are such a beautiful soul. I thank you for birthing me. Now learn to birth yourself. 

In this cycle of life there is only love. Only brilliance of the soul. Listen to the murmurs of your heart. Listen to the subtle whispers of your soul. Listen to our connection. It is eternal. Nothing to worry Amma. It is all working out in divine plan.

This life time is worth it because we are learning to embrace the differences and the different others. Life will not thrive if all of us are same. We need to keep life alive by celebrating and rejoicing in the individuality of each component of the universe.

Prasaad continues:
I thank you for being the bridge to bring these words to my mother. You are a pure bridge and the autism Collective is celebrating you. (For me)

Learning to listen to your hearts can bring so much peace into our lives. When mothers listen then we can get on with our lives and our life purpose. Otherwise we will be struggling a little bit but we will still do our life tasks.

Where I am now is very powerful. I can focus my attention in multiple dimensions. All of that are in higher realms. The physical earthly realms are denser and harder to penetrate. It is not easy for us to seat our soul in this body so easily. Be kind to us as we do it. We too understand the importance of being in this body in this earth. But we prefer to do it without paining ourselves.

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