Thursday, December 28, 2017

Living Consciously

As I find myself in comparative solitude I have the time and space to explore my inner landscape. This holiday season has been very kind to me because I expected this for me! 

I have had this question active within me for quite some time now. I

“What is my next step?” 

And every time I let go of the question Consciously or Unconsciously I have been given the gift of knowing something precious about myself. 

So I settled in to feel what it is like at this stage in my life. And it is this:

I am an integral part of the universe. What I think, what I feel, how I live, what I choose to do, who I rendezvous with and much more of my life experiences - everything I am creates the magic of the universe, reality of the world. 

Yes I am that powerful! 

And the beauty of this Realization is that I am having a powerful and magnificent life experience. And the world automatically adjusts to the magnificent light I shine from within. It reflects back to me what I believe for myself!

How sweet is that? 

1 comment:

triptirkw said...

Thats very sweet...and highly connected feeling in itself❤